Short Summary

There has been a lack of innovation in the gambling industry, especially towards more ethical approaches to gambling. While the lottery does contribute to charity, the slim odds of winning mean that only a few become millionaires, and the majority do not benefit.

Gamble Goose aims to disrupt the UK gambling industry for the better. Our goal is to become the most ethical gambling company in the UK and provide a fairer alternative than the national lottery and remote casino games.


Preferred collaborators

The Lack Of Innovation In Ethical Gambling

While the lottery contributes to ‘good causes’, the average individual rarely benefits. A select few become millionaires, while the majority lose their money due to an infinitesimally slight chance of winning after spending money on games with unclear odds. According to Lottoland UK, the odds of winning £1,750 are 1 : 144,415 — a fact many potential gamblers do not realise.

The gambling industry yielded an impressive £14 billion in 2022. However, a significant portion of this comes from players losing their bets. Prominent gambling firms, such as Ladbrokes, operate on models where the odds are in the house’s favour, raising questions about the ethicality of a system where players seldom stand a fair chance of winning.

Introducing Gamble Goose...

Acting as matchmakers, we charge a small service fee akin to a betting exchange, ensuring we don’t directly profit from game outcomes. Our focus is on a fair, transparent, and enjoyable experience for all users.

Many gambling platforms obscure the odds, leaving players with little understanding of their chances. This often leads to unlikely expectations and a poor user experience, committed to doing things differently, we offer games with clear, straightforward odds.

Drawing inspiration from the fair and chance-based classic Duck Duck Goose, Gamble Goose is redefining online gaming. Committed to a platform where everyone has an equal chance to win, we shift away from traditional win-or-lose dynamics.

UK Gambling Market Size

Total Market Size Uk 2022

Annual Change 2020- 2021

Total Market Size Uk

Total Market Size Uk

Total Market Size Uk

Total Market Size Uk

National Lottery Revenue 2023

National Lottery Mobile Sales 2023

National Lottery % Mobile Sales from App

Pre Seed Capital

After we have found our key early bird investors, we will then be looking to spend the seed capital very conservatively so we can achieve ‘legal classification’ and submit a ‘Gambling Licence Application’ for Gamble Goose. (This will take 8 – 12 months.) Following this, we will proceed with the app development and can be a little less conservative with spending, as once we have the licence, risk becomes slightly less.

Identifying Key Investors

Frequently Asked Questions

Gamble Goose, with its truly unique concept ‘that has not been done before,’ aims to disrupt the industry significantly for the better. We strive to be the most ethical gambling company in the UK, demonstrating that we can offer customers great value and a fair alternative to lottery, remote casino, and bingo games. Our goal is to make a profit by providing excellent service, rather than individuals directly losing money to the company.

Gambling is a part of nature that plays on our risk and reward instincts. We believe Gamble Goose is an ethical product because it’s peer-to-peer gambling with clear game and event odds. It’s not in Gamble Goose’s interest for an individual player to win or lose. However, some may argue that gambling as a whole is unethical. If that’s the case, we aim to be the most ethical gambling game in an unethical industry, providing people with a fair alternative to many of the less ethical gambling companies out there.

We would love to be able to offer investors tax reliefs like EIS or SEIS; however, because Gamble Goose’s majority of shares will be owned by Jocular Media Limited, and as it would be a subsidiary, we wouldn’t be eligible for EIS or SEIS. It will be up to the investor to make their own decision regarding how they decide to invest, either as individuals or holding companies.

In the unlikely event that Gamble Goose is unable to obtain an operating license, the investor shareholder agreement will include a clause ensuring that any remaining funds will be returned to investors. Gamble Goose is committed to safeguarding its investors, and therefore, the company will practice extremely conservative spending until a license is secured.

Hence Gamble Goose wants to protect its investors as much as the company can, hence why Gamble Goose will be extremely conserveitve with spend until given a licence.